Encourage patients to be physically active and eat healthy

Health care professionals play an important role in providing assessment, information and encouragement to individuals and families concerned about healthy eating.

Encourage patients to stop using tobacco products

Why should you, a member of a busy clinical team, consider making the treatment of tobacco use a priority?
How can you start?
Implement the AAR Smoking Cessation Model
If you would like more information about connecting your EMR system to the quitline through direct referrals, please contact us at GetHealthy@washoecounty.gov
Tobacco Cessation Coverage  
Insurance coverage for tobacco cessation treatments have changed as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) now requires all new or non-grandfathered private health insurance plans to cover various treatments based on the Public Health Service-sponsored Clinical Practice Guideline with no cost-sharing such as co-pays.
**Smoking prevalence rates are much higher in Medicaid populations than in the general population**

Provider Resources

If you would like 1-800-QUIT-NOW cards, cessation resources, or prescription pads for your patients please email GetHealthy@washoecounty.gov 

Last modified on 11/14/2023

Last modified on 11/14/2023