Northern Nevada Public Health

Food Establishment Inspection Results

This site contains the most recent inspection information for permitted Washoe County food establishments. Inspection reports prior to 2017 may not be available at this time. For more information, check out the Food Establishment Inspection Process page. 

Inspection findings may result in a Pass, Conditional Pass, or Closed status: 


No more than one critical violation observed during the inspection. Critical violation shall be corrected or mitigated during the inspection.

Conditional Pass

Two or more critical violations observed during the inspection. Critical violations shall be corrected or mitigated during the inspection. A reinspection shall be conducted within 24 to 72 hours to verify critical violations remain corrected.



A substantial health hazard exists, or if it is determined that there is a risk of imminent danger to the public, the Health Authority shall suspend the health permit and the establishment must immediately cease foodservice operations.


Search for a food establishment inspection report: Enter the business name, partial name, business address, or partial address and click the search button below to see a list of matching businesses.