Program Mission

To enforce the Washoe District Board of Health regulations governing Air Quality Management rules and regulations for stationary sources for the protection and education of public health and the environment.

Permitting Program

The Northern Nevada Public Health (NNPH) Air Quality Management Division in coordination with the Air Pollution Control Hearing Board is required by federal law to permit and inspect 1500 stationary sources of air pollution for compliance with both the federal requirements and local air quality regulations. The purpose of operating permits for stationary sources is to regulate the amounts and types of air pollutants by stipulating specific permit conditions to comply with the ambient air quality standards and to meet the goals of Healthy People 2010.

Compliance Program

The Northern Nevada Public Health (NNPH) Air Quality Management Division in coordination with the Air Pollution Control Hearing Board is required by federal and local regulations utilizing specific enforcement procedures and monetary fine schedule for stationary sources of air pollution not in compliance. The enforcement function verifies compliance by periodic inspections or immediately responding to public complaints and implementing control strategies for both permitted and non-permitted sources. The permitting and enforcement programs assist in the Division`s mission and reduce air pollution in the District by:

Last modified on 11/14/2023

Last modified on 11/14/2023