Who Needs a Permit?
Who Needs a Permit?
Apply for a Permit
Apply for a Permit
Forms & Applications
Forms & Applications

For further assistance or questions regarding the Dust Control Program please contact us at AQMDDust@washoecounty.gov or 775-784-7200 Option 5

What You Need to Know About the Dust Control Program in Washoe County

The Washoe County Air Quality Management Division permits and monitors dust generating activities to limit particulate matter emissions into the ambient air from any property, operations or activities that may serve as a fugitive dust source. The purpose of the program is to require dust control measures that prevent, reduce, and/or mitigate the amount of particulate matter that is emitted into the ambient air. (Washoe County DBOH Regulations Governing Air Quality Management 040.030)

Who Needs a Dust Control Permit?


The owner and/or operator of a dust generating activity that is equal to or greater than one (1) acre in size is required to apply for and obtain a Dust Control Permit prior to the commencement of the dust generating activity. Once issued, a Dust Control Permit is valid for a period of 18 months. If the project is still actively disturbing greater than or equal to one (1) acre of land, a new Dust Control Permit must be applied for and obtained prior to the expiration date of the current Dust Control Permit.

The following activities are exempt from requiring a Dust Control Permit (040.030 Section C.3.d and 030.003):

How to Apply for a Dust Control Permit

Applications should be submitted to the Air Quality Management Division at least ten (10) business days prior to the commencement of work or expiration of a current permit to ensure adequate processing time. All applications require the following to be deemed complete:

Applications can be submitted via the following methods:

To modify acreage or remove, add, or replace the applicant or general contractor, submit a Dust Control Permit Modification. If modifying acreage, a new site map must be submitted with the modification.

Dust Control Permit Compliance

The owner and/or operator of an active Dust Control Permit is required to maintain compliance with the Dust Control Permit Conditions and DBOH Regulations 040.030 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The owner and/or operator must complete a daily dust control log, which should be kept on the project site with the active Dust Control Permit. Required signage (as described in the Dust Control Permit Sign Requirements Form) should be posted prior to the commencement of work and near the main entrance to the project where it can be easily observed by the public and the AQMD.

Forms and Applications

Dust Control Permit Application

Dust Control Permit Modification

Completion of Project

Dust Log Template

Dust Control Permit Sign Requirements

Last modified on 11/14/2023

Last modified on 11/14/2023