Northern Nevada Public Health

Infectious Diseases in Childcare Settings and Schools Manual

Table of Contents


The Infectious Diseases in Childcare Settings and Schools Manual informs administrators, childcare providers, caregivers, parents/guardians, and school health staff about specific infectious disease conditions they may encounter in the childcare or school setting. This manual is designed to provide specific disease prevention and control guidelines which are consistent with the national standards put forth by the American Public Health Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics and are in line with Nevada Revised Statutes.

This manual contains:

  • Fact sheets specifically for parents/guardians of childcare and school-aged children. Each of these are labeled Parent Fact Sheet.
  • Technical fact sheets for providers about specific infectious disease problems. Each of these are labeled Technical Fact Sheet.

Some technical fact sheets indicate when immediate action is necessary. Per Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS 441A) providers MUST report certain known or suspected disease conditions to the health authority; this is indicated on the fact sheets labeled "Reportable".

In 2014 the Infectious Diseases in Childcare Settings and Schools manual. Individual parts of the manual was posted to the Northern Nevada Public Health (NNPH)'s website for the first time. Individual parts of the manual have been maintained and updated on our web site as
needed. This allow us to have more frequent updates and provide you with the most current information available on infectious diseases.


This manual has been adapted from the Hennepin County, Minnesota Human Services and Public Health Department’s Infectious Diseases in Childcare Settings and Schools Manual.

We at Northern Nevada Public Health (NNPH) would like thank those who were acknowledged by Hennepin County and to offer our great appreciation to Hennepin County, Minnesota PHD for creating such a quality, comprehensive manual and encourage any who find this manual to be helpful to direct their appreciation to Hennepin County as well.

A Note About Web Links

Section I - Exclusion Guidelines for Staff and Children

  1. General Exclusion Guidelines for Ill Children/Staff
  2. Specific Disease Exclusion Guidelines for Childcare
  3. Specific Disease Exclusion for Schools

Section II - Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases

  1. Recommendations for Schools and Child Care Centers
  2. Covering Your Cough
  3. Cover Your Cough Poster
  4. Gloving
  5. Hand Washing
  6. Hand Washing Poster
  7. Hand Washing Instruction Poster
  8. Infection Control Guidelines
  9. Infection Control Recommendations for School Athletic Programs
  10. Misuse of Antibiotics
  11. Human Biting Incidents

Section III - Communicable Disease Concerns for Pregnancy

  1. Communicable Disease Concerns for Pregnant Women
  2. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Pregnancy
  3. Fifth Disease (Parvovirus B19) and Pregnancy
  4. Hand, Foot, and Mouth (Enteroviral Infections) and Pregnancy
  5. Hepatitis B Virus and Pregnancy
  6. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Pregnancy
  7. Rubella (German Measles) and Pregnancy
  8. Safe Handling of Breast Milk
  9. Varicella-Zoster Virus (Chickenpox) and (Shingles) and Pregnancy

Section IV - Guidelines: Environment and Sanitation

  1. Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfection
  2. How to Mix Bleach Solutions (Poster)
  3. Cleaning/Sanitizing/Disinfecting Guidelines for Specific Items/Areas (Poster)
  4. Checklist for Choosing a Disinfectant Other Than Bleach (Poster)
  5. Comparison of Bleach to Quaternary Ammonia Products (Poster)
  6. Diapering
  7. Diapering Procedures (Poster)
  8. Changing Pull-ups/Toilet Learning Procedure (Poster)
  9. Food Safety in Childcare Settings and Schools
  10. Pets in Childcare Settings and Schools
  11. Wading Pools
  12. Public Vomiting Incident Cleaning

Section V - Communicable Disease Reporting and Management

  1. Communicable Disease Reporting
  2. Control and Management of Communicable Disease Exposures and Outbreaks
  3. Sample Line List (Printable)

Section VI - Communicable Disease Fact Sheets

* - Diseases Reportable to a Local or State Health Department in Nevada

  1. Communicable Disease Fact Sheets: How and when to use
  2. Bed Bugs
  3. Bronchitis, Acute (Chest Cold)/Bronchiolitis
  4. *Campylobacteriosis
  5. Chickenpox (Varicella)
  6. Conjunctivitis (Pinkeye)
  7. Croup
  8. *Cryptosporidiosis
  9. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Infection
  10. Diarrhea (Infectious)
  11. *E. coli O157:H7 Infection and Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS)
  12. Enteroviral Infection
    1. Enteroviral D-68 Infection
  13. Fifth Disease
  14. *Giardiasis
  15. *Haemophilus Influenzae type B (Hib) Disease
  16. Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease
  17. Head Lice
  18. *Hepatitis A
  19. *Hepatitis B
  20. *Hepatitis C
  21. Herpes Gladiatorum
  22. Herpes, Oral
  23. *Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection/AIDS
  24. Impetigo
  25. *Influenza
  26. LaCrosse Encephalitis
  27. *Lyme Disease
  28. *Measles
  29. *Meningococcal Disease
  30. Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
  31. Molluscum Contagiosum
  32. Mononucleosis
  33. *Mumps
  34. Norovirus
  35. Parapertussis
  36. *Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
  37. Pinworms
  38. Pneumococcal Infection
  39. Pneumonia
  40. Respiratory Infection (Viral)
  41. *Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Infection
  42. Ringworm
  43. Roseola
  44. *Rotaviral Infection
  45. *Rubella (German Measles)
  46. *Salmonellosis
  47. Scabies
  48. *Shigellosis
  49. Shingles (Zoster)
  50. Staph Skin Infection
  51. Streptococcal Infection (strep throat/scarlet fever)
  52. *Tuberculosis
  53. *Viral Meningitis
  54. Warts
  55. Yeast Infection (Candidiasis)

Diseases categorized under other names:

  • Lice (See Head Lice)
  • *Streptococcus pneumoniae (See Pneumococcal Infection)
  • Group A Strep or Strep throat (See Streptococcal Infection)

Section VII - Other Resources

  1. Immunization Web Resources
  2. Emergency Preparedness
  3. Emergency Preparedness Planning Resources for Childcare
  4. Emergency Preparedness Planning Resources for Schools
  5. Individual and Family Emergency Preparedness

Appendix A - Terms and Definitions

Appendix B - Legal References

Appendix C - References